Zusammenhalt der iranischen Diaspora.

Der Iran befindet sich in einem Umbruch und Wandel, wir laden Sie hiermit herzlichst zu einer Feier mit iranischen Delikatessen und Musik ein:

Bilder vom 18. Energieforum 2022

Das Energieforum 2022 wurde am 08. Dezember mit großem Erfolg veranstaltet. Unter anderem waren zu Besuch der Leiter des Referats internationaler Beziehungen der Sächsischen Staatskanzlei Dr. David Michel, der tansanische Botschafter Dr. Possi und Professoren von der Technischen Universität Dresden sowie von der FH Erfurt besuchte uns die engagierte Professorin Kerstin Wydra mit 6 Studenten aus dem Wirtschaftssektor. Natürlich erwiesen sich auch verschiedenste Unternehmen aus dem Energiesektor die Ehre mit Ihrer Anwesenheit, sowohl als Referierende als auch Teilnehmende bei dieser Veranstaltung. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie im nächsten Jahr wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.


Dr. Michel von der Staatskanzlei referiert über Sächsiche Fördermittel für Auslandsprojekte

Networking während der Pause

Unterhaltung am Stehtisch bei Kaffee und Gebäck

Deutsch- afrikanischer Austausch über die Solarwirtschaft

der tansanische Botschafter hört gespannt zu

Bilder der Veranstaltung

Stärken, was uns alles verbindet! Wir möchten Sie am Reformationsfeiertag, Montag, den 31.10. am Halloweentag zu einer interaktiven und kritischen Gesprächsrunde einladen. Das Event findet bei Sonnenschein sowie heiterer Musik und Gesang statt. Für das Wohlbefinden wird mit Kaffee, Gebäck, Leckerbissen, exotischem Essen und Gegrilltem gesorgt. Lasst uns in diesen unsicheren Zeiten gemeinsam feiern und fröhlich sein. Jeder kann etwas zum Naschen und Getränke mitbringen oder sich mit einer kleinen Spende beteiligen.

Krisenmodus Diskussion

Die Veranstaltung am 15.09.2022 zum fortwährenden Kriesenmodus wurde von Eric Hübner moderiert. Es gab es mehrere Vorträge. Der ukrainische Referent, Yevhenii Hryn, hat eine scharfe Kriitik an Putin's Krieg geübt. Der versierte Politik-Wissenschafler, Thomas Hahn hat den Krieg einige Jahre zurückverfolgt und seine Darstellung zur Problematik dargelegt. Thomas als der Gegenspieler der über die Veränderungen in der Ukraine während des Krieges berichtete und einen deutschen Professor, der auf philosophischer Ebene über das selbe Thema referierte. Auf dem Gartengrundstück fanden diese spannenden Vorträge passend zu internationalem Essen statt, um einen gesamten interkulturellen Austausch zu ermöglichen. Als Beispiel für die internationale Zusammenarbeit und den Kulturaustausch, die Widersinnigkeit des Krieges und leider auch des schlechten Wetters kann man die Veranstaltung sicher als gelungen bezeichnen.

Get-Together am 01.Oktober 2021

Right at the beginning of the quarter, a handful of participants came to the Pluralism Center in Dresden to take part in a get-together. The reason for the small number of participants was the city festival, which took place at the same time in Dresden's old town alongside various ICT events throughout the city. In spite of everything, there was a very good exchange under the theme: "Hostility in general in society, against" strangers ", what makes us afraid, global effects of current narratives (economy, communication, ...)". The varied and friendly exchange was adequately supported by snacks and drinks. The relaxed atmosphere contributed to the unity celebration.

We hope to be able to welcome a large number of guests again at our next event!

This is how our panel discussion "Corona and Elections" ran on September 17, 2021

On this sunny Friday afternoon, a handful of interested guests gathered at the TechnologieZentrumDresden to take part in a stimulating discussion on the subject of "Corona and elections".

In the past event, not only the pandemic and the upcoming elections were the topic, but also questions such as "Is the minimum wage set sufficient or still too low?", "How do you feel about e-mobility? Does it really make sense already?" to change the established structure? ", there was also a lively exchange about climate change. A very open and committed exchange took place, in which all those present had the opportunity to contribute their own views and thoughts.

One of the pictures shows Albrecht Pallas, who is listening to Bob Hooda as he reports on the critical global situations.

At the end of the event, pastries and drinks were served with atmospheric music to help bring the event to a relaxed end.

We look forward to a large number of appearances at our next event.

Panel discussion "Corona and Elections" on September 17, 2021

As before, we organize events where citizens can exchange ideas and share their opinions. This time it's about the topic "Corona and elections" in the TechnologieZentrumDresden.

For this purpose we have invited the following people who have dealt with it a little more. With a video statement by Dr. We would begin with Abdallah Saleh Possi (Ambassador of the Republic of Tanzania in Berlin). Then we would start our discussion with the members of the state parliament Albrecht Pallas and Antonia Mertsching, moderator Dipl. Ing. Bob Hooda and Thomas Herold from the Weltclub / Afropa eV.

We will go into the influence of the corona pandemic on the elections, people's demands on politics and how the situation in Africa compares to Europe.

We look forward to numerous interested parties. Everyone is welcome to express their own opinions.

This is how our panel discussion "Natural Disasters and Elections" ran on August 21, 2021

In wonderful summer weather, more than 20 good-humored people gathered on Saturday, August 21, 2021 to attend the panel discussion by Power4Africa eV on the subject of "Natural Disasters and Elections" in the Pluralism Center Dresden.

The two speakers took opposing positions on the question of what impact the recent natural disasters will have on the upcoming federal elections. While the first speaker considered them to be a major influence, the second speaker denied a significant connection. The presentations encouraged the participants to actively participate in the discussion. A very committed, open exchange took place, in which all those present had the opportunity to contribute their own views and thoughts.

Afterwards all those present were able to fortify themselves with grilled food and cool drinks. This resulted in numerous friendly conversations across cultural boundaries. So an informative and pleasant day ended very comfortably.

We are already looking forward to the next event in the PluralismusZentrumDresden and hope to be able to welcome numerous interested parties again.

This is how our panel discussion "Corona: turning point in history" ran in the PZD on July 24th, 2021


In perfect weather, the panel discussion on the subject of "Corona: turning point in history" took place on July 24th, 2021 in the festive garden of PluralismZentrumDresden. A total of 34 people from young to old took part, the majority of them migrants.

Before the discussion began, the question was asked whether the corona pandemic represents a turning point in history. The first speaker argued that Corona was indeed a turning point, while the second speaker disagreed. The reactions were mixed. While some participants answered yes, many were unsure what the long-term consequences will be. In the discussion, in which numerous participants took part in addition to the speakers, very different aspects were discussed. In addition to the political consequences of the pandemic, psychological effects on people and possible explanations for the outbreak of the pandemic also played a major role. The participants had a lively discussion with one another.

Then three Iranian artists made a musical contribution that was very well received. To traditional Iranian music, coffee, cake and other desserts as well as cold drinks, the participants got into conversation with each other across cultural and ethnic boundaries. For some visitors, the event in the PZD represented the first contact with the foreign cultures present. Numerous conversations developed in which they could explain cultural peculiarities and customs. Just as the participating migrants got to know new aspects of German society, the Germans present received exciting insights into other cultures.

The evening slowly ended with delicious dishes, many of them fresh from the grill. The mood was excellent until the end. The senior citizens also stayed until the end. All in all, the event was a great success for the intercultural, integrative and informative goals of power4africa eV and aroused great enthusiasm among all those present.

Saturday, July 24th, 2021. 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Corona: turning point in history?

Are we at the beginning of a new phase in history? Will the corona pandemic change our lives permanently? What will these changes look like and how do we want to deal with them?

Friday, September 25th 5 pm-9pm

2020: The turning point in our history, living together after Corona

We live in turbulent times: Covid-19, financial crises, development in Africa and global populism. Enough material for a stimulating panel discussion with BBQ, drinks and live music. The venue is the Pluralism Center in Klotzsche, Grüner Weg 1a.

Supported by House of Resources Dresden +

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020 at 5 p.m.

Panel Discussion - "Is Black Lives Matter Reverse Racism?"

On September 2nd we are holding an event in the Weltclub Dresden. We cordially invite you to a panel discussion on the Black Lives Matter movement. We shed light on the historical background of the current precarious situation. Our association is committed to the development of intercultural dialogue and promotes understanding between people of all origins. The mood in the world continues to worsen. We want to do our part to shed light on the darkness. Do you have the same need? Are these issues present in your life? Do you take part in the BLM movement or do you think that's important? Then come to us!


That was our opening! - Intercultural evening in the Pluralism Center Dresden -

After numerous ideas, long preparations and one or two setbacks, the time had finally come on Friday, August 21, 2020: We opened our PluralimusZentrum in Dresden Klotzsche! On the occasion of this, Riadh Ben Ammar appeared with his one-person play “The Trap” and thus initiated intensive discussions over hummus, poppy seed rolls and homemade iced tea.

The idea of ​​an intercultural meeting place has long matured in the head of Bob Hooda, the head of the power4africa eV association; for him it has always been a matter close to his heart to promote intercultural exchange and understanding for one another. Last Friday the time had finally come: on the large club property in Dresden Klotzsche, the first Pluralism Center in Dresden opened its doors to invite neighbors, Dresden residents and everyone else - regardless of where they are from and how old - to come to us.

The evening started at 5 p.m. “No Hamza! No, I don `t want that. Leave me Hamza! ”Riadh shouted expressively, and quickly put each of us in a refugee home in Pirna, in which the character Sami fights with drug crime, deportation and being able to do nothing as a daily companion. Riadh himself came to Germany as a migrant 20 years ago and since then, as he willingly told us later, has got to know many aspects and stories of migration and flight. He lets this knowledge flow into his play “The Trap” and creates a story that tells of dreams and disillusionment, of the lack of prospects and the pressure from home - and centrally addresses the closed EU external borders with their misunderstandings. You quickly notice: This topic is important to Riyadh and he has a lot to say about it, he would like to seek conversation and much more provoke.When the applause subsided and the discussion was invited, we all needed a few minutes to let the performance take effect. But Bob Hooda and the artist know how to deal with it. Riyadh told of his own story and why he wasn't politically active at all in the beginning. Then our buffet opens and everyone quickly sits down with some flatbread and hummus or a poppy seed roll and a lively conversation begins. But Bob Hooda and the artist know how to deal with it. Riyadh told of his own story and why he wasn't politically active at all in the beginning. Then our buffet opens and everyone quickly sits down with some flatbread and hummus or a poppy seed roll and a lively conversation begins. But Bob Hooda and the artist know how to deal with it. Riyadh told of his own story and why he wasn't politically active at all in the beginning.Then our buffet opens and everyone quickly sits down with some flatbread and hummus or a poppy seed roll and a lively conversation begins.

At this point at the latest, we at power4africa eV happily notice that the visitors are asking for it exactly as we imagined it. Our Pluralism Center should be a place where people with different backgrounds and stories can meet. A place to exchange ideas, to learn to understand others and to ask questions that are otherwise difficult to find a framework for. Even if the Pluralism Center is just at the beginning and will certainly grow and develop with each event, the goal is clear. We want to offer an opportunity to get to know multiculturalism through different approaches - whether through art exhibitions, music projects, panel discussions, barbecues or theater performances.

We would like to thank Bob Hooda for the chance and the great commitment, we thank Riadh Ben Ammar for his impressive demonstration and guidance on the conversation, and a very big thank you to everyone who helped or simply came to the opening ! Thank you!

Anna Linnemann


Opening of the Pluralism Center with free theater!

Now the time has come: we are opening our Pluralism Center and would like to celebrate it with you!
As a kick-off event, the actor Riadh Ben Amar will perform "The Trap" .
This theater is preceded by the quote: "We only sleep when the sun rises ... then we are sure that the vampires will not come any more" - Momo, resident of a refugee shelter in Saxony.

A theater from Tangier to Dresden, about the closed EU external border and its misunderstandings ...
fraudsters? Then let's talk about it!
Not "Welcome to stay", but for freedom of movement
one-person play on freedom of movement


One river, one dam and many interests


As the longest river in the world, the Nile has a great deal of scenic, social and economic potential that should be exploited. But how far can you go to make profits for yourself without jeopardizing the welfare of another country? Ethiopia and Egypt are faced with this dilemma due to the construction of the largest dam on the African continent.

The construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) holds the possibility of an Ethiopian renaissance, rebirth, for the country. For other countries, especially Egypt, however, the full use of this hydroelectric power station would have devastating effects.
What these could be, what the conflict of interest has to do with contracts from colonial times and what a peaceful solution to the dilemma could look like, we as the power4africa association presented in a panel discussion at the Dresden World Club on July 16, 2020.

What is the dam's potential?

With a water storage capacity of 63 billion m³ of water and the ability to sustainably
generate 6,000 mW of electricity, which corresponds to the output of 5 nuclear power plants, the potential of such a dam is close. The growing demand for electricity in Ethiopia due to the growing population and the expansion of the economy could be met, and electricity could be exported to neighboring countries such as Sudan. The employment of mostly Ethiopian people also brings more social stability and an improvement in the quality of life for the population.
An unprecedented opportunity to be seized.

The importance of filling times - what does this have to do with Egypt?

The filling of the dam began in mid-July, as satellite images have now confirmed. A big step for Ethiopia, but Egypt is concerned about the amount of water in the dam. Because the time it will take to fill the dam will inevitably have a strong impact on Egypt and other neighboring countries. The accumulation of water in the dam means a smaller amount of blue gold available downstream. Egypt or Sudan as desert states are up to 98% dependent on the water of the Nile. Too fast filling of the GERD would mean extensive drying out of the already small agriculturally usable area and great water shortage for the majority of the population.

So all homemade conflicts of interest?

In addition to the conflict of interest, there are agreements from colonial times that make the problem far more complex.
In order to be able to understand the interrelationships, a good prior knowledge of these contracts is required, also in order to be able to prevent similar dilemmas in the future.

The most important treaties were signed in 1902 and 1929 between Egypt and Great Britain on the one hand and Ethiopia on the other and stipulate that Ethiopia may not erect any structures that could restrict the flow of the Nile waters. However, the contract versions of the two parties differ. In addition, Ethiopia and Sudan decided in a bilateral agreement in 1959 to divide up the entire water of the Nile. This is at the expense of third parties.
In addition, with the independence of the former colonies, the Nyerere doctrine and the clean slate principletake effect, you can visualize it like a slate being cleaned. Two years after independence, all contracts will expire as long as no new ones are signed.

Anyone who has read the history of Ethiopia carefully will have noticed that the country was never officially colonized. So can you apply these principles or not? What is still valid here? What is the connection between international law and domestic law?
These ambiguities have formed such complex entanglements that it is difficult to say today what the cause of the conflict actually is and how it should now be dealt with. The UN Security Council is also trying to contribute to a peaceful solution to the conflict.

Dealing with the treaty discussions is also useful in the sense that similar problems can be solved more easily in the future.

So what should be done now?

The fact is that the filling of the dam has begun and Ethiopia can make profits through this, which can take the country a big step further. At the same time, the water usage rights and the dependence of Sudan and Egypt on the Nile must be respected and taken into account.

It is obvious that a solution with which all the states concerned would be 100% satisfied is not possible. Nevertheless, in our panel discussion we came to the conclusion that a consensus can be found. A middle way should be possible: filling periods with consideration of the short-term changes, for example in the amount of precipitation, at which Egypt still has enough water for agricultural use and Ethiopia can still generate electricity at the GERD .

And perhaps a good compromise will also promote further international cooperation and the relationship between the north-east African countries, whose common strength ultimately lies in the blue gold of the Nile.

Anna Swaboda
Power4africa eV


BLACK LIVES MATTER - Dresden residents stand together against racism and police violence

20th July 2020

"The only thing that should be separated by color is laundry!" it said on a sign at the BLM demo on Sunday afternoon in Dresden. Hundreds of people met at Dresden's Neumarkt to be part of another demonstration by the human rights movement Black Lives Matter.

Lots of singing and music from the "Lauti" accompanied the demonstration as far as the Alaunpark in Dresden's Neustadt district. At the stopovers at Schießgasse and Jorge-Gomondai-Platz, People of Color reported, among other things, about their personal experiences with racism in Dresden. In addition, speakers in motivating and / or personal speeches called on the German majority society and the Dresden police to treat each other with respect and made clear the privileged position of the white population. In concrete terms: As a white person, I can choose whether I want to deal with the issue of racism or not. People of Color often have to confront the feeling of being different from almost everyone around them from an early age.

Here in Dresden, the problem of shifting to the right without wanting to damage the image as a beautiful green student city becomes particularly clear. An incident at Neumarkt at the beginning of the demonstration illustrates the polarization of our community quite well. A critically looking man who apparently does not belong to the demonstrators answers the "Black lives matter!" - shouts "All lives matter" - at first glance a good thought. But if you take a closer look, it becomes clear that some of the people who shout "All lives matter" on Sunday deny those people who do not fit into the image of their white majority society precisely this human value the next day in the same place.

So how can every life count when a group of people is denied the basic right to equality?

The fact that we are all racially socialized in some way, whether through children's books or advertising, etc., cannot be denied. Whether you like it or not, even if it's uncomfortable, you have to accept this fact. This is the only way to enter into a dialogue on a level in which all positions can reveal their perception. And this is the only way we can jointly find a way in which a skin color or presumed origin no longer has to have an influence on a person's rights in the future. In order for this future to become the present as quickly as possible, it needs many encounters, a lot of strength and support from everyone.

So thank you to everyone who is already there and thank you to everyone who will be there!
We continue!

For more information on Black Lives Matter in Dresden, click here .



BLACK LIVES MATTER - Dresden is silent together against racism

Silence. Exactly eight minutes and forty-six seconds of silence. The Dresden demonstration began on June 6th. under the theme "No to racism - together we are strong" and thought of George Floyd.

George Floyd wasn't the first victim of police violence in the United States, but the brutality of his death made waves around the world. Because for exactly eight minutes and forty-six seconds the American policeman Derek Chauvin knelt on the neck of the African American - undeterred by his shouts "I can't breathe" or the requests from passers-by to take their pulse, after George stopped moving.

The Dresden demonstration, one of many in all of Germany, then gave various People of Color the opportunity to address the demonstrators. Many of them were white and were now doing the only right thing in this situation: listening. We at power4africa had also prepared a speech: The head Bob Hooda told of his own experiences, emphasizing how important it is now to strengthen together and to fight against racism and police violence.        

Then the more than 4,000 demonstrators started moving from the Altmarkt in the direction of Schießgasse, because this is where the Dresden police headquarters are located. People of Color have once again had their say in their stories to show that police violence is not unknown in Germany either, and they described how racism shapes their entire lives.

The demonstration then continued on its way. The people headed for Jorge-Gomondai-Platz across the Carolabrücke. Many of them carried signs showing solidarity, opposing racism and police violence, and demanding justice for George Floyd. So did we - our modified street signs were clearly recognizable, because we wanted to show very clearly: Racism, this is a dead end.

Arrived at Jorge-Gomondai-Platz, the goal was achieved. This was chosen deliberately because Jorge Gomondai was the first Dresden victim to be killed by racism after reunification. There was an open microphone here for the last time to address the silent crowd before this day ended without any unintentional occurrences.

The demonstration showed: we are many. We are against racism. We make ourselves strong. While there is still a long way to go before an end to racism and police violence, we are on the right track and will not stop until all the inequalities are distant narratives. Thanks to everyone who supports and accompanies us.


Anna Linnemann, power4africa e.V.

Reopening - Pluralism Center Dresden

Dresden is a growing city and attracts many cultures from all over the world. However, Saxony is also increasingly affected by the shift to the right and the division in German society. In order to reduce the tensions between the growing number of migrants and refugees and the population, Dresden urgently needs an intercultural dialogue.

The aim of power4africa is to open a pluralism center on our property in Klotzsche in order to generate such an intercultural dialogue. For this purpose, we organize a BBQ and a coffee chat on our large site with an extra tea room. Our bright studio offers space for art exhibitions and thanks to our well-soundproofed room, people of all nations can not only attend our music events together, but can also be musically active themselves! With all these possibilities, we want to create opportunities for exchange between people of all nations - whether young, old, Dresden, German or from somewhere else: everyone is warmly welcome to get to know each other and to exchange ideas.

The opening will take place as soon as the current corona crisis has been overcome in order to celebrate the newly won joie de vivre.

The project is currently in the development phase and we look forward to any support in its implementation.


Energy workshop for Sub-Saharan Africa

Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Under this year's theme, as in previous years, we are presenting numerous interesting contributions from representatives of well-known companies in the energy sector and the new funding instruments under AfricaConnect. The Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Gerd Müller announced on June 4th, 2019 at the AXICA Congress and Conference Center at Pariser Platz in Berlin.


Intercultural festival in the pluralism center!

Die Ereignisse der letzten Woche in Limburg und in Halle zeigen die Dringlichkeit Ursachenforschung zu betreiben, Brainstorming zu machen, Debatten zu führen, um nach Lösungsmöglichkeiten zu suchen. Mit den beiden Ereignissen und dem Vorstoß der türkischen Armee gegen die Kürden an der syrischen Grenze alles in einer Woche und in einer Zeitspanne von vier Tagen zeigt wie fragil die Weltlage ist. Mit jeder solcher Konfrontation wächst die Gefahr der Verfeindungen zwischen den Bürgern türkischer und kürdischer Abstammungen auf deutschen Gebiet und die Gefahr der Ausweitung der Konflikte. Analysten prophesierten "den Vormarsch des Anti-semitismus" im Osten unseres Landes bereits Mitte-September d.J. In der zweiten Woche wurde es Realität. Manche verstehen gar nicht, was Anti-semitismus bedeutet. Unser Anliegen ist, mehr Licht auf das heikle Thema zu werfen.

Die Ziele sind eindeutig. Eine Aufklärung in Schichten der Gesellschaft anzustreben, die am meisten davon beeinflusst werden können. Die christliche-deutsche Bevölkerung mag eine andere Auffassung über Anti-semistismus als die Neuankömmlinge, sprich Flüchtlinge und Migranten. Mit der gewaltigen Auseinandersetzungen an der Grenze zu Syrien, wächst die Gefahr, dass noch viel mehr Flüchtlinge Schutz in

Europa suchen. werden. Unser Event möchte die Teilnehmer bereits darauf vorbereiten.

Vorgesehener Ablaufplan

15:00 - 15:30 :

Get-together am PluralismusZentrum Klotzsche beim Kaffeeklatsch und heiterer Musik

15:30 - 16.00 :

Vorstellung der Hauptreferenten und Einleitung - Kulturkonflikte und Missverständnisse

16.00 - 16:30 :

Vortrag des Hauptreferent (Oliver Bradley aus Berlin - Media-Relation, EIPA - Europa) Ursprünge des Antisemitismus, wie das Problem angegangen und bewältigt werden soll

16:30- 17:00:

Fragen und Antworten - Open-Discussion mit dem Publikum

17:00 - 17:15:

Musik by MadagasART beim Kaffee und Getränke

17:15 - 17:45:

Präsentation bei einem indischen Referent. Wie Konflikte zwischen den verfeindeten Parteien herunter geschraubt werden können

17.45 - 18.00 :

Fragen und Antworten und Open-Discussion

18.00 - 18.30:

Präsentation von Frau Hyeinn Yoo, Boston University

Kulturkonflikte in Asien und in den USA und ewie sie eingedämmt werden können

18.30 - 19.00:

Fragen und Antworten - Open-Discussion mit dem Publikum

19:00 - 20:30:

Networking-Session + Essen gekocht von Fatima bei Live Musik


Interkulturelles Fest im Pluralismus Zentrum!

Im Rahmen der interkulturellen Tage findet am 27.09. ein Kulturfest in unserem angehenden PluralismusZentrum in Dresden Klotsche statt. Die Band MadakasArt wird dabei musizieren und begeleitet davon werde wir unsere mitgebrachten Speisen und Getränke verzehren, Begegnung zwischen den Interkulturellen Teilnehmern schaffen und uns über aktuelle Themen austauschen. Dadurch wollen wir nicht nur eine engere Gemeinschaft werden, sondern auch uns gegenseitig die Zwänge, Probleme und Ängste in anderen Nationen vor Augen führen, um somit mehr Verständnis füreinander zu schaffen.



Das breite Bündnis #unteilbar engagiert sich für eine offene und solidarische Gesellschaft (https://www.unteilbar.org). Nach dem großen Erfolg der #unteilbar-Demo in Berlin am 13.10.18 mit mehr als 240.000 Teilnehmer*innen veranstaltet das Bündnis nun in Dresden am Sonnabend, den 24.08.19, eine weitere bundesweite Großdemo „Solidarität statt Ausgrenzung“ (https://www.unteilbar.org/demo-dd).
Hintergrund ist ein europaweit verbreiteter Nationalismus, Rechtspopulismus und Rassismus sowie die bevorstehenden Landtagswahlen in Sachsen, Brandenburg und Thüringen.
Das Entwicklungspolitische Netzwerk Sachsen (ENS), das INKOTA-netzwerk, die agl – Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Eine Welt-Landesnetzwerke in Deutschland e.V., Venro – Verband Entwicklungspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe deutscher Nichtregierungsorganisationen e.V. und die Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken organisieren auf der Demo einen entwicklungspolitischen Block unter dem Motto „Ein gutes Leben für alle Menschen … hier und überall!“.


Vortrag zum Thema Klimaflucht: Das Phänomen der Migration, Ursachen und Lösungen


"Dresden isst bunt - ein Gastmahl für alle"

Am Mittwoch Abend von 17 bis 20 Uhr wird es auf dem Dresdener Altmarkt ein großes Gastmahl für all geben. Unter dem Motto "Dresden ist bunt" sollen alle Menschen bei einem gemeinsamen Essen zusammen kommen - egal ob Fleischesser oder Veganer, Einheimischer oder aus einer anderen Nation. Mit dieser Aktion soll für ein weltoffenes und buntes Dresden geworben werden. Also KOMMT ALLE! Nehmt Teil und lernt einander kennen. Lasst es uns zweigen, dass Dresden aus mehr als Montagsdemos besteht.

Edit: WOW! Mehr als 3000 Menschen sind gekommen und haben die Veranstaltung zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis werden lassen. Danke an alle, die mitgemacht und/oder organisiert haben!



Freitag 22.03.2019 von 16.00 bis 20.00 Uhr – Künstlerhaus, Grüner Weg 1a, 01109 Dresden


Die Mainstream-Medien in Indien und Pakistan: Wie moralisch und frei sind sie wirklich? (Podiumsdiskussion) im Weltclub

Hierbei wurde besonderes Hauptaugenmerk auf die Hauptmedien in den beiden Ländern gelegt. Dabei wurde der Einfluss auf mögliche Lösungsansätze seziert und danach wurde sachlich diskutiert. Anschließend gab es bei persönlichen Gesprächen und asiatischen Häppchen einen runden Abschluss des Abends.

Dezember 2018

Die Welt im Umbruch – Afrika im Aufbruch
Afrika als Vorreiter für eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung.

Wir veranstalten am 06. Dezember 2018 unser 14. Energieforum.

Unter dem diesjährigen Thema präsentieren wir, wie in den vergangenen Jahren, zahlreiche interessante Beiträge von Repräsentanten namhafter Firmen des Energiesektors, der Agentur für Wirtschaft und Entwicklung in Berlin, der TU Dresden sowie des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung über die Einstiegschancen in Afrika – dem am schnellsten wachsenden Kontinent der Welt. Die offizielle Ansprache hält der tansanische Botschafter in Berlin, Dr. Abdallah Saleh Possi.

Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert mit Steuermitteln auf Grundlage des von den Abgeordneten des Sächsischen Landtags beschlossenen Haushaltes.


Fest der Kulturen in Freiberg.

Bei einem bunten treiben zu verschiedensten kulturellen Klängen und Tänzen, gab es auch ein sehr ansprechendes, internationales Buffett.


Glimmer of hope in Southeast Asia - will the two nuclear powers come together after the elections in Pakistan? (Lecture) in the world club.
After the elections in Pakistan on July 25, 2018, the question arose whether this would enable a rapprochement with India. This was widely discussed with experts and the audience.


during the intercultural weeks

Marshall Plan with Africa (lecture) in the World Club
The implementation of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was carefully examined . Particular attention was paid to the issues of health, trade policy and the development of agriculture in Africa.


2018: The Year of the Dialoque (panel discussion) in the world club.
There were heated discussions with the experts about the policy between the two nuclear powers India and Pakistan.


Banquet in Prohlis

We have had a great response here with Indian cuisine. Our neighbors offered Eritrean and Russian dishes. At the culinary treat we had good conversations and promoted international understanding.


Dresden is colorful in 2018. A feast for everyone on Neumarkt.
Here we can let the pictures speak for themselves.



There was a cozy exchange about food, chai and folklore, which was accompanied by specialist lectures.

April 2018

Campfire and barbecue on Walpurgis Night on April 30th in an international group.